Palace Surgery
510 Fulham Palace Road
Get directionsPhone
0207 736 6305
Out of hours
Find out about managing your health online
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Opening times
We are currently closed.
Day | Opening hours |
Monday | 8am to 7pm |
Tuesday | 8am to 7pm |
Wednesday | 8am to 7pm |
Thursday | 8am to 6:30pm |
Friday | 8am to 7pm |
Saturday | Closed |
Sunday | Closed |
Enhanced access
Please see our enhanced access hours below:
Monday 6:30pm to 7pm
Tuesday 6:30pm to 7pm
Wednesday 6:30pm to 7pm
Friday 6:30pm to 7pm
Need to see a GP or nurse in the evening or at the weekend?
Appointments are available in the evening and at weekends, please call reception to book an evening appointment at the practice or a Saturday appointment at our local linked practice, Cassidy Road Medical Centre (651A Fulham Road, London, SW6 5PX). Alternatively, please visit 111 online or call 111 to be directed to the help you need.
Our practice is part of a small group of practices called a Primary Care Network. We are working with other local GP practices to provide out of hours appointments in the evenings and on Saturday’s. Working together means we can provide more local services to you. These evening and weekend appointments may take place by phone, video, or face to face depending on clinical need. You may be offered an appointment at your GP practice, at Cassidy Road Medical Centre or another local NHS service.
If you would like an evening appointment at the practice or a Saturday appointment at Cassidy Road Medical Centre with a GP or other healthcare professional, you can book it from this practice.
The receptionist will ask you if you consent to record sharing. By consenting to record sharing, if you have a Saturday appointment, this will enable Cassidy Road Medical Centre to access your records so the GP or other healthcare professional can provide you with appropriate care. Without record sharing, the GP or healthcare professional will still see you but it may impact their ability to care for you appropriately.
You will receive a text message (if we have a mobile number for you, if not please provide us with one) confirming the time, date, the practice name and postcode. To cancel your appointment, please contact the practice.
If it’s not urgent you can also use the online consultation form on the practice website, which will be responded in practice hours.
Please note that using these services will not affect your registration with the practice.
Cassidy Medical Centre
651a Fulham Road
London, SW6 5PX
Opening times
Monday to Friday: 6:30pm to 8pm
Saturday: 9am to 5pm
If you need help when we are closed
If you need medical help now, use NHS 111 online or call 111.
NHS 111 online is for people aged 5 and over. Call 111 if you need help for a child under 5.
Call 999 in a medical or mental health emergency. This is when someone is seriously ill or injured and their life is at risk.
If you have any special needs please let our staff know so that we can help and ensure you get the same support in the future.
Disabled parking – blue badge scheme
The blue badge scheme is for people with severe mobility problems. It allows blue badge holders to park close to where they need to go.
Blind/partially sighted
If you or family members are blind or partially sighted we can give you large print of our practice leaflet upon request. Please ask reception for further information.
For more advice and support for blind people please see the following websites:
Guide dogs
Guide dogs are welcome at the surgery but we ask that you be aware of other patients and staff who may have an allergy or fear of dogs.
Further Information:
Other Disability Websites
- BID Services
- Disability Go
- Disabled People, your Rights, Benefits, Carers and the Equality Act
- Disability Rights UK
- Living with a Disability NHS
- Disability Action
- Mencap